
Innovation Management

In order to continuously provide and improve value in a timely manner to the world’s customers, companies must improve several competencies. At JMAC we are supporting borderless R&D in manufacturing as the driving force behind developing unceasing value innovation and business innovation with technology at its core. JMAC believes borderless R&D can be the innovating force behind organizations and people who believe in this innovative way of thinking.


Recently, the basic thinking towards R&D strategy has been changing. Previously, “strategy” was centered around being systematically formulated based on accurate analysis and forecasts (systematic approach). However, in these modern times, “strategy” is beginning to be formed from changes connected with the external environment and results gained from daily activities in the workplace (emerging approach). This type of thinking has been incorporated into the engineering strategy innovation “Technology Canvas” consulting program. Also, we have our “Future Concepts” program aimed at attractive customer value creation for the future, and “R&D Capability Diagnosis” which provides a diagnosis of the direction of your R&D innovation, all of which are helpful for ever organization’s strategy formulation.


An attractive product is thought to be one that is attractive to both the customer and organization. An attractive product for the customer provides value extending beyond what previously existed. In order to realize this, JMAC provides product innovation consulting services through our “Attractive Product Creation” and “Purpose Development” programs. Also, in order to create an attractive product for the organization, maintaining a profit is an ongoing issue. JMAC provides a profit innovation consulting service through product innovation with our long-successful programs ”VRP”, ”Cost Half Program” and “Cost Planning”.


Diversified customer needs and the shortening of product life cycles are each year increasing the demand for reduced development times. In order to realize these reduced development times, it is necessary to probe into the development process in a more drastic way than ever before. JMAC has supported various organizations making good use of methods such as our “Technical Roadmap” and “Development Platform” programs. In order to realize new concurrent engineering that is not biased by previous concepts, we are providing tailored RAPID process and agile development process innovation consulting services.


We help realize productivity improvement from an organization’s collection of minds – engineers, researchers and designers. At JMAC, we have a flagship program that vitalizes technical staff and organizations called the Engineering KI Program. Through the activities in this program, team building and leadership development realize workplace potential and vitalize the organizational climate. We have introduced this program to many of Japan’s most famous manufacturers and information system development companies, and now have results with 250 companies and 20,000 participants. At the core of this consulting program include visualization, waigaya (open discussion) and kiduki (awareness). It is said to be the pioneer program for the visualization boom.



As the consulting firm that contributed to the foundations of Lean/TPS and TPM®, we adopt the principles of Lean thinking in our consulting projects across all industries and processes.


Our well-versed consultants offer training programs filled with know-how on problem solving for business challenges, leveraging their consultation experience.

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JMAC currently has five subsidiaries; two in China, and one in Thailand, South Korea, and Italy respectively.
We provide services in every country by dispatching consultants from any one of our global offices.

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